Frank and Craig returned yesterday from 10 days at Camp Befouled, where they did
outdoors type stuff with other guys in the forests of northstate.
To the horror of all (except the boys) we discovered they were wearing the same clothes they'd left our home in 10 days earlier. And, on looking through their bags, we discovered no dirty clothes at all. Just neatly folded shirts, underwear, socks, etc. So they'd been wearing the same outfits, day and night, for 10 days.
They didn't seem to have a problem with this, but on the drive home Mrs. Grumpy and I sure did. In the high humidity of a hot day we had no choice but to keep the windows down so we wouldn't die. If I'd thought to bring some twine I might have just put them on the roof rack for the ride.
Upon getting home, even the dogs didn't want to get close to them. When you smell so awful your dog isn't interested... That's really bad.
We immediately directed them to the shower closest to the garage.